Revision Diary

Revise for GCSE History in 36 days



These are the topics identified in the AQA syllabus.

Click on the blue numbers for specific revision content:


Add days and dates as appropriate in the left-hand columns.



These revision notes are aimed AT THE AQA EXAM ONLY.


It also is aimed at those topics needed by my own pupils at Greenfield, who are doing:

● International relations 1919-1962

● Britain in World War II

● Russia

● Germany


For Paper One

Greenfield pupils can print off a hard-copy of:

●   the revision events / ●   the events importance.


For Paper Two:

Greenfield pupils can print off a hard-copy of:

●   the Russia and the ●  America revision notes.


So before you use this, make sure you aren't doing different topics - you may need to adapt it to your own syllabus.



Suggested Day



1   The alliance system and the Arms race.


2   Moroccan Crises 1905 and 1911.


3   Bosnian Crisis 1908-9.


4   Sarajevo, Austria/Hungary and the Serbs;


5   The Schlieffen Plan;


6   Events leading to the outbreak of war.


7   Inter-war Overview


8   Paris Peace Conference: Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau – their views and motives.


9   Terms of Treaty of Versailles – territorial changes, military restrictions, war-guilt and reparations.


10   The League of Nations: membership, organisation, powers & peacekeeping role.


11   Crises of Manchuria (1931-2) and Abyssinia (1935-6).


12   Hitler’s aims: Aryan supremacy and lebensraum;

      Hitler's policies 1933-8: the Saar; Rhineland; Austria 1938.


13   Appeasement and Chamberlain; Sudetenland and Munich Agreement;


14   Czechoslovakia, March 1939; growing tensions, 1938-9

      including role of USSR; Nazi-Soviet Pact; Poland and outbreak of war.


15   Cold War Overview


16   East-West ideological gap;


17   Decisions made at Yalta and Potsdam, and their importance;


18   Soviet expansion into Central and Eastern Europe; Iron Curtain;


19   Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan; attitudes of Stalin and Truman.


20   Berlin 1945-48; Berlin blockade and airlift.   NATO and Warsaw Pact;


i   Korean War;


ii   Khrushchev’s policy of peaceful co-existence and the USA’s response;

      The beginnings of the Arms Race; space race;


iii   Hungary, 1956;


iv   U2 incident, 1960.


v   Berlin Wall; President Kennedy’s visit to Berlin, 1963.


vi   The background in Cuba; Castro; friendship with USSR;

        Kennedy and Bay of Pigs; the crisis of 1962 and its results.


21  BEF in Europe, 1939-40; Dunkirk;


22  Evacuation;


23  Battle of Britain;

       the Blitz and air-raid precautions;


24  Conscription; internment;


25  Censorship and propaganda;


26  Battle of the Atlantic and the effects of submarine warfare; rationing;

       the role of women


27  D-Day and defeat of Germany.


28  Russia Overview


29  Government of Nicholas II in 1914; nature of Russian society in 1914;

      traditional loyalty; opposition groups. the role of Rasputin;

Impact of World War I on Russia; military defeat; food shortages and transport dislocation at home.

Political upheaval and Tsar’s abdication/ creation of the Russian republic;

Problems facing the Provisional Government and its failures, including military defeats and their effects at home.


30  Growth of Bolshevik organisation in summer/autumn 1917; The Bolshevik seizure of power, and the reasons for their success.

Foundation of totalitarian rule; end of World War I for Russia, and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; creation of the USSR;

causes, nature and consequences of the Civil War, 1918-1921. War Communism;

Kronstadt Mutiny;

the New Economic Policy;

roles of Lenin and Trotsky.


31  Struggle for power with Trotsky; elimination of other rivals in the 1920s; purges in the 1930s; the 1936 Constitution.

propaganda and censorship;

Collectivisation of agriculture;

Five Year Plans and growth of industry; economic effects.


32  Germany Overview


33  Origins of the Weimar Republic; effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany;

Problems of the Weimar Republic, 1918-1924: political weakness; challenges from the Left and Right; Spartacists; Kapp Putsch; invasion of the Ruhr; hyperinflation.

Recovery of the economy; the Dawes and Young Plans; the role of Stresemann.


34  Early career of Hitler; founding of the Nazi Party; Mein Kampf; Munich Putsch;

     decline in support in the Stresemann years.

inability of the Weimar Republic to cope with the Depression.

Growth in support for the Nazis, 1929-1933; and its reasons; elections of 1932; invitation to lead coalition government, 1933.


35  Hitler's consolidation of power - Reichstag Fire; Election of March 1933; Enabling Act; Elimination of political opposition – political parties, Trade Unions. Night of the Long Knives; death of Hindenburg; Hitler becomes Führer.

One party law and order – the SS and Gestapo.

Control of education, youth movements and the media; censorship and propaganda.

Cultural, racial and religious persecution;


36  Economic policy; increased employment through public works programmes, rearmament and conscription; self-sufficiency.

Effects of Nazi policies on people living in Germany.




Note that there are no easy Diary entries on America yet, but you can revise America using the R_Diary revision notes.