2. For Wilson LoN = ‘ parl’ to sort arguments → stop wars.
3. Wanted also LoN to:
◦ secure a better world:
ie lives & jobs, ↑ public , end .
◦ achieve → war impossible.
◦ ToV & ensure promises kept.
4. Wilson’s ideas refined at Paris Peace Conf
w. significant contribs. from (Brit lawyer) & (S African statesman)/ draft Covenant by (Brit intl lawyer) & (US treaty expert).
Aims of LoN
5. Set out in (signed 28 June 1919):
◦ Stop wars,
◦ Improve lives & jobs,
◦ Disarmament,
◦ Enforce ToV (incl reparations issue).
6. 1st meeting: Paris, 16 Jan 1920; HQ moved to (neutral Switz) Nov 1920
1, Set up ∵ Wilson wanted it most.
2. For Wilson LoN = ‘WORLD parl’ to sort arguments → stop wars.
3. Wanted also LoN to:
◦ secure a better world: ie IMPROVE lives & jobs, ↑ public HEALTH, end SLAVERY.
◦ achieve DISARMAMENT → war impossible.
◦ ENFORCE ToV & ensure promises kept.
4. Wilson’s ideas refined at Paris Peace Conf w. significant contribs. from ROBERT CECIL (Brit lawyer) & JAN SMUTS (S African statesman)/ draft Covenant by CECIL HURST (Brit intl lawyer) & DAVID MILLER (US treaty expert).
Aims of LoN
5. Set out in COVENANT (signed 28 June 1919):
◦ Stop wars,
◦ Improve lives & jobs,
◦ Disarmament,
◦ Enforce ToV (incl reparations issue).
6. 1st meeting: Paris, 16 Jan 1920; HQ moved to GENEVA (neutral Switz) Nov 1920