The Big Three
• 3 most imp men at Versailles:
◦ Georges Clemenceau (PM France)
◦ Woodrow Wilson (President USA)
◦ David Lloyd George (PM Britain)
• All wanted to prevent future wars but disagreed on how.
Georges Clemenceau
• Wanted REVENGE & to punish Germany.
• “ Germany to PAY for war damage.
• “ to WEAKEN Germany so France could never be invaded again.
Woodrow Wilson
• History professor – wanted to END WAR and MAKE THE WORLD SAFE w. a FAIR PEACE.
• In 1918, published FOURTEEN Points:
1. No secret treaties.
2. Freedom of seas.
3. End to customs duties.
5. Freedom for colonies.
6. German Army must leave Russia.
7. Belgium independent.
8. France to get Alsace-Lorraine back.
9-12. SELF-DETERMINATION for Italy, Austro-Hungarian peoples, Balkan nations & Turkey.
13. Independent Poland w. sea access.
14. LEAGUE OF NATIONS (countries talk out problems, not fight).
David Lloyd George
• Said he would ‘MAKE GERMANY PAY’ (b/c British people wanted this).
• Wanted JUSTICE, not REVENGE – did not want a HARSH peace (= future war).
• Aimed for a ‘HALFWAY POINT’ btw Wilson & Clemenceau.
• ALSO wanted:
◦ Expand British Empire.
◦ Keep British naval power.
◦ Increase Britain’s trade.