The Conference & Final Debates
• Big Three debated terms for 5 months.
• Clemenceau & Wilson quarrelled – Conference nearly collapsed.
◦ 25 Mar: Lloyd George issued FONTAINEBLEAU MEMORANDUM, persuaded:
◦ Clemenceau to accept League of Nations/ Wilson to accept reparations → Conference saved.
• Many groups lobbied for land:
◦ Arabs & Zionists fought over Palestine (Britain got it).
◦ QUEEN MARY of Romania flirted w. Wilson → Romania got Transylvania.
◦ Ukrainians (fighting war with Russia) wanted INDEPENDENCE → failed.
• Conf. = huge goody-bag w/ nations grabbing what they could.
• Germany’s Reaction & Signing
◦ Small German delegation, not allowed to TAKE PART.
◦ 7 May1919: given Treaty text; outraged, they issued a protest & left.
◦ Germany, weak after Bavarian Soviet rebellion, had no choice but to accept.
◦ Eventually, 2 Germans sent to sign.
• 28 June 1919: Treaty signed in Hall of Mirrors, Versailles.
The Main Points of the Treaty
• 1st 26 Articles = League of Nations Covenant.
• Rest of 440 Articles = Germany’s punishment:
1. Clause 231: Germany accepted blame for war (justifying other punishments).
2. Reparations: £6,600m to be paid for DAMAGE done during the war.
3. Armed forces:
◦ No SUBMARINES/air force.
◦ Navy = max 6 BATTLESHIPS.
◦ Army = max 100,000 men.
◦ No troops in RHINELAND (50-mile strip next to France).
4. Territory:
◦ Lost land in Europe.
◦ Colonies given to BRITAIN & France.
◦ Lost 13% land, 10% pop, 13.5% economy.
5. Other restrictions:
◦ Could not join LEAGUE OF NATIONS.
◦ Could not unite w. AUSTRIA.