Woodrow Wilson
Wilson got:
1. LEAGUE of Nations
2. Self-determination for E Europe
But he was disappointed by:
a. Many of his 14 Points ≠ in Treaty:
• No more SECRET treaties
• Freedom of seas
• End to customs duties
• DISARMAMENT (only defeated countries had to disarm)
• Freedom for colonies
b. On return to US, SENATE refused to join League or sign the Treaty.
Georges Clemenceau
... probably liked in Treaty:
1. Reparations (→ REPAIR damage to France)
2. Tiny German army
3. DMZ in RHINELAND (both = protection for France)
But he was probably disappointed by:
a. Wanted to ANNEX Saar (coal-mining area)
b. Wanted DMZ to be an independent country
c. Wanted Germany split into smaller states (∴ France fully PROTECTED)
David Lloyd George
... probably liked in Treaty:
1. Britain got German COLONIES (→ expanded Empire)
2. Small German navy (helped Britain 'RULE THE WAVES')
But he was sceptical about:
a. Thought Treaty too harsh & → RUIN Germany
b. Suspected → another war in 25 yrs