Bolsheviks faced same crises as Tsar & Provisional Govt: collapsed econ, inflation, war, poverty, illiteracy, mutinous army, striking workers, rioting peasants, hostile intelligentsia.
1. Govt changes
Nov 1917 elections: Bolsheviks 175 seats, SRs 370.
Lenin used to close Assembly (1918), killed opposition, ruled by decree. = autocracy → 'dictatorship of the proletariat' (i.e. Communist Party rule).
2. Brest-Litovsk
(1917) → Treaty of : Russia lost Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania to Germany. = peace not war.
3. Communist state
Land taken from Tsar/nobles → peasants.
Factories under state control. = peasants owned land & workers owned factories.
Propaganda: hatred of enemies of the state (Tsarists, , rival socialists). = v harsh tyranny.
What kind of state did Lenin set up 19171921?
Bolsheviks faced same crises as Tsar & Provisional Govt: collapsed econ, inflation, war, poverty, illiteracy, mutinous army, striking workers, rioting peasants, hostile intelligentsia.
1. Govt changes
Nov 1917 elections: Bolsheviks 175 seats, SRs 370.
Lenin used RED GUARDS to close Assembly (1918), killed opposition, ruled by decree. = autocracy → 'dictatorship of the proletariat' (i.e. Communist Party rule).
2. Brest-Litovsk
DECREE ON PEACE (1917) → Treaty of BREST-LITOVSK: Russia lost Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania to Germany. = peace not war.
3. Communist state
Land taken from Tsar/nobles → peasants.
Factories under state control. = peasants owned land & workers owned factories.