
Your Smartass List of

Causes of WWI Specialist Terms




 Do you recognise the terms below?   Use them in your answers to impress the examiner!!!

 Click on the yellow pointers to reveal explanations for any terms you don't know about.


  • open section  Militarism
    • Not just an arms race, but also a government's attitude of mind, seeing war as a valid means of foreign policy. Often includes the influence of government by the generals
  • open section  Hague Conferences
    • Called by Tsar Nicholas II in 1899 and 1907 to discuss arms limitation; they failed to achieve disarmament, but did set up the Hague Court and agree rules about prisoners of war.
  • open section  balance of power
    • The theory that having two hostile alliance blocs of roughly equal power will achieve an equilibrium which will somehow keep the peace
  • open section  Splendid isolation
    • The intention of Britain in the 19th century to stay out of European conflicts
  • open section  Dreadnought
    • New large British super-battleships of the early 20th Century
  • open section  reservists
    • Men, trained, but living as civilians, but ready to be called up if there is a war
  • open section  Entente Cordiale
    • ‘Friendly Relationship’ between Britain and France, signed 1904
  • open section  Imperialism
    • Countries who believed that they were superior thinking it was alright to conquer and rule others – particularly if they were inhabited by races they thought inferior
  • open section  Herzegovina
    • Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908 – GCSE books usually shorten this to Bosnia
  • open section  Panslavism
    • The ethnic and political movement which sought to mobilise and unite all the Slavic races of south-east Europe into one country (e.g. ‘Great Serbia’)
  • open section  Weltpolitik
    • ‘world politics’ – the imperialist foreign policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II
  • open section  autocracy
    • Where a country is ruled by one man
  • open section  chauvinism
    • unreasonable belief that your own country, race or gender is the best or most important
  • open section  jingoism
    • Out-of-control chuvinism that demands an aggressive/bellicose foreign policy
  • open section  annexation
    • Conquest ofa place to attach it to your own country
  • open section  mobilisation
    • When you call up your reservists and set your army on a war footing
  • open section  Revisionists
    • Historians who seek to overturn an established ‘classical’ interpretation of a particular history
  • open section  Junkers
    • The military upper classes of Germany before 1914
  • open section  bellicose
    • Wanting war/ militarily aggressive
  • open section  Ujedinjenje ili smrt
    • ‘Union or Death’ – the proper name for the terrorist group popularly known as the ‘Black Hand’